In the days of December 5 to 11 the synagogue was opened for everybody who looked for an original present for Christmas or an original decoration for house. Local artists or just skilled people able to create a unique object or decoration were invited to form a very pleasant exposition. Decorations, jewels, photos, mirrors, clocks, paintings...
  Although the cold inside was horrible, candles and atmosphere made it nearly cosy! The exhibition had a great success, we are looking forward to another one, at Easter!
   A big PLEASE for everybody who can help in some way - we have prepared a promotion publication, necessary for high grants. It is going to be wonderful.
  If you can help, please contact us.
  We are wishing pleasant and nice holidays and merry holiday of lights!...all of the article

  Have you already visited web sites of the Prague Jewish community BEJT SIMCHA? http://www.bejtsimcha.cz will be interesting for you, I am sure. On the days from 8 to 19th January, 2002 the exposition of our member Pavel Nozar took place there - photos of Jewish memorials of SouthWest Bohemia. The place you can find at 8 Mánesova Street, Prague 2...all of the article

  In the Strakonice Muzeum the exposition was opened in memory of all the Jewish victims of the district. For the whole month September 2003 you could see the photos of our member Pavel Nozar remain the cemeteries and synagogues of the South and Western Bohemia. The muzeum added books and things from the Jewish life. You can take part in the series of lectures with video films: Adler´s Muzeum in Hartmanice, Achab´s performance in the Ckyne synagogue, and the Alex Woodle story - in English version looking for roofs of American citizen....all of the article